You can have it all!

You are a high achiever. You are a successful, professional woman who enjoys her career and is inspired by the next challenge. You feel the rush of success and achievement and wake every morning with purpose and ambition. You may have never looked beyond having that successful career.

But now you are finding that your life is a bit out of balance. You wouldn’t say you are “depressed.” You don’t have “anxiety.” And you probably don’t fit the “diagnostic criteria” for any mental health diagnoses. But you are noticing that the stress of your career is taking its toll. You might not actually wake with excitement in the mornings now. You put so much energy into work that you find you don’t have hobbies. Your relationships may be suffering. You may even be finding that you have physical health issues. You need a change, maybe more balance, or may even be looking at having to retire.

Transitions or change, whether chosen by us or for us can be challenging. But whether you want to find the balance that will allow you to continue your career, hope to regain your enthusiasm and passion, or you are transitioning out of your career, there are tools that can help you. Being a purpose driven person has given you skills that can be transferred and modified to help you love your life and find balance. Dare I say you can even embrace your softer side.

Ryanne coaches women just like you to help them use their skills to create the life they dream about. Now it is your turn. Make the commitment to yourself to take your life to that next level of happiness and click here to contact her today!